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dc.contributor.authorHocini, Tarek-
dc.description.abstractAn in-depth study of the literature concerning the phenomenon of water hammer which is represented by the rapid change of flow in the pipe support manifests two forms: increase decrease that are harmful to the operation of the water network and sometimes it loses over that network. These studies allow us to properly value the importance of this phenomenon. It is noted that this phenomenon are presented when the conditions of steady flow is consequence by maneuvers that can be accidental or quite normal such as stopping a pump, the opening or closing of a valve. This produces large variations in pressure and can cause explosion or crushing free or buried pipes and or ether accessories related to it. To understand and control this phenomenon and its characteristics, in our study we are going to find the specific values during water hammer of pressure and we going to use the method of characteristics to find a model to determine the characteristics of water hammer in branched networks , we taking into consideration the case of free water network and buried, and a comparison between three pipe material: STEEL, PVC and PEHD.en_US
dc.subjectcoup de bélier. Modélisation. Réseau ramifiéen_US
dc.subjectwater hammer. Modelization. Branch network.en_US
dc.titleModélisation du coup de bélier dans un réseau ramifié en refoulement.en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie de l'eau

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