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dc.contributor.authorBoulali, Abdelaziz-
dc.description.abstractIn most of the cases, the drinking water resources are far from the urban areas and for this reason, one is obliged to project canals to bring back water to the consumers. Within the framework of this memoir, one makes a study of a net work of canals to feed out drinking water the areas of ََAin Romana starting from these sources of “Yesmet et Malakhal ” to Mouzaia with the aim of satisfying the need for future consumption of these urban areas.en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. Adduction. Ain Romana. Yesmet (sourece d'eau). Malakhal (source d'eau). Mouzaia. Blida. Algérieen_US
dc.subjectDrinking water. Adduction. Ain Romana. Yesmat (source of water). Malakhal (sourece of water). Mozaia. BlidaAlgeriaen_US
dc.titleRenforcement de l'alimentation de l' eau potable de la ville d'Ain-Romana par les eaux des sources Malakhal et Yesmet daïra de Mouzaiaen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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