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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Regional growth curves and extreme precipitation events estimation in the steppe area of northwestern AlgeriaBoucefiane, Abdelkader; Meddi, Mohamed
2019Seepage and dam deformation analyses with statistical models: support vector regression machine and random forestBelmokre, Ahmed; Mihoubi, Mustapha Kamel; Santillan, David
2019Recent Rainfall Variability in the South-West Mediterranean Region and Links with Teleconnection PatternsTaibi, Sabrina; Messelmi, Imane; Meddi, Mohamed
2019Contribution of GIS and Hydraulic Modeling to the Management of Water Distribution NetworkAbdelbaki, Chérifa; Touaibia, Bénina; Ammari, Abdelhadi
2019Seasonal rainfall variability in the southern Mediterranean border: Observations, regional model simulations and future climate projectionsTaïbi, Sabrina; Meddi, Mohamed; Mahé, Gil
2024Projected Changes in Extreme Precipitation Patterns across Algerian Sub-RegionsHamitouche, Yasmine; Zeroual, Ayoub; Meddi, Mohamed
2024Effects of seasonal changes in vegetation cover on the hydrological responses of the Chemora Wadi catchment to extreme rainfallBerghout, Ali; Meddi, Mohamed
2024Changes in extreme precipitation indices across Algeria climate zonesHamitouche, Yasmine; Zeroual, Ayoub; Meddi, Mohamed
2024Spatiotemporal sensitivity analysis of surface soil moisture to precipitation and temperature variations: a case study of the Cheliff Basin in AlgeriaKabli, Sarah; Zeroual, Ayoub; Meddi, Mohamed
2024Drought assessment and characterization using SPI, EDI and DEPI indices in northern AlgeriaHabibi, Brahim; Meddi, Mohamed; Emre, Topçu
2024Regional flood frequency analysis in North AfricaTramblay, Yves; El Khalki, El Mahdi; Khedimallah, Abderrahmane
2023A robust estimator of the proportional hazard transform for massive dataTami, Omar; Rassoul, Abdelaziz; Ould Rouis, Hamid
2023Influence of mulches on soil moisture and water infiltration in the tomato cropTANKEUOO KOPA, TANKEUOO KOPA Imerina; MEDDI, Mohamed; AMMARI, Abdelhadi
2023Evolution of Groundwater in the Cheliff and Mitidja Aquifers (North Algeria) in Qualitative and Quantitative TermsHallouz, Faiza; Meddi, Mohamed
2023The influence of lithology and climatic conditions on the groundwater quality in the semi-arid-regions: case study of the Eastern Middle Cheliff alluvial aquifer (northwestern Algeria)Madene, Elaid; Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Derardja, Bilal
2023Estimation and inter-comparison of infiltration models in the agricultural area of the Mitidja Plain, AlgeriaMazighi, Amina; Meddi, Hind; Meddi, Mohamed
2023Adaptation and Resilience Measures in the Face of Extreme Events in AlgeriaHallouz, Faiza; Meddi, Mohamed
2023Identification of groundwater potential zones using geospatial techniques and analytical hierarchy process (AHP): case of the middle and high Cheliff basin, AlgeriaMaizi, Djamel; Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Busico, Gianluigi
2023Hybrid Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity in Northern Algeria: Integrating Empirical and Modeling ApproachesHallouz, Faiza; Meddi, mohamed; Mahe, Ghil
2023The Precipitation Concentration in the Cheliff Watershed, Algeria: A Critical Analysis for Sustainable Water Resource ManagementSamiha, Brahimi; Meddi, Hind; Meddi, mohamed,
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153