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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 153 of 153
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Hybridization of DRASTIC Method to Assess Future GroundWater Vulnerability Scenarios: Case of the Tebessa-Morsott Alluvial Aquifer (Northeastern Algeria)Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Belloula, Moufida; Busico, Gianluigi
2022Hybridization of GALDIT method to assess actual and future coastal vulnerability to seawater intrusionBoufekane, Abdelmadjid; Maizi, Djamel; Madene, Elaid
2022Modeling and parameter estimation of solar photovoltaic based MPPT control using EKF to maximize efficiencyKerid, Rachid; Bounnah, Younes
2022A robust estimator of the proportional hazard transform for massive dataTami, Omar; Rassoul, Abdelaziz; Ould Rouis, Hamid
2022Modified DRASTIC index model for groundwater vulnerability mapping using geostatistic methods and GIS in the Mitidja plain area (Algeria)Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Yahiaoui, Samir; Meddi, Hind
2022Application of sediment management strategies to improve reservoir operation: a case study Foum El-Gherza Dam in AlgeriaBoudjerda, M.; Touaibia, B.; Mihoubi, M.K.
2022Assessment of the tsunami hazard on the Algerian coast: Scenario study of a tsunami generated by an earthquake on the Bay of AlgiersSnoussi, Mostefa; Mihoubi, Kamel Mustapha
2022Spatial–temporal variability of seasonal daily minimum flows in southern Quebec: synthesis on the impacts of climate, agriculture and wetlandsAssani, Ali A.; Zeroual, Ayoub; Kinnard, Christophe
2022Automatic Detection of Hydrodynamical and Biological Indicators of the Shoreline Using a Convolutional Neural NetworkBengoufa, Soumia; Niculescu, Simona; Mihoubi, Mustapha Kamel
2022Assessment of Land Cover Changes in the Allala Watershed Based on Object Based Image Analysis Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 ImagesZaabar, Nariman; Niculescu, Simona; Mihoubi, Mustapha Kamel
2023Estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield in Wadi El Hachem watershed (Algeria) using the RUSLE-SDR approachSaoud, Mohammed; Meddi, Mohamed
2023Assessing Spatial Variability and Trends of Droughts in Eastern Algeria Using SPI, RDI, PDSI, and MedPDSI— A Novel Drought Index Using the FAO56 Evapotranspiration MethodMerabti, Abdelaaziz; Darouich, Hanaa; Paredes, Paula
2023A review of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) studies of Mediterranean catchments: Applications, feasibility, and future directionsAloui,Sarra; Mazzoni, Annamaria; Elomri, Adel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 153 of 153