Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 153
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | Impact of climate change on the flows of the Mitidja plain basins (Northern Algeria) | Meddi, Mohamed; Abdi, Ishak; Mahe, Gil |
2022 | Reconstruction of the evolution of the hydrosedimentary signal to the sea from the study from the study of the sedimentary archive: Case of the Cheliff wadi,Algeria. | Hadour, Ali; Mahe, Gil; Mohamed, Meddi |
2022 | Impact des changements climatiques sur les ressources en eau : Cas du bassin de l’Oued El Harrach amont | Taibi, Sabrina; Zeroual, Ayoub; Khettab, Nawel |
2022 | Flooding study in the desert climate zone: case study of M’zab valley (Algeria) | Teffah, Ouardia Gueciouer; Guettouche, Mohamed Said; Zeroual, Ayoub |
2022 | Evaluation of soil erosion in Northern Algeria watershed using SWAT and RUSLE models | Salhi, Chahrazed; Touaibia, Bénina; Zeroual, Ayoub |
2022 | Impact of temperature on agricultural drought occurrence under the effects of climate change | Bouabdelli, Senna; Zeroual, Ayoub; Meddi, Mohamed |
2022 | Spatial analysis and mapping of the groundwater quality index for drinking and irrigation purpose in the alluvial aquifers of upper and middle Cheliff basin (north-west Algeria) | Elaid, Madene; Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Meddi, Mohamed |
2022 | Estimation of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) in the Cheliff semi-arid region (Algeria) | Boucefiane, Abdelkader; Meddi, Mohamed |
2022 | Improving Future Estimation of Cheliff-Mactaa-Tafna Streamflow via an Ensemble of Bias Correction Approaches | Renima, Mohammed; Zeroual, Ayoub; Hamitouche, Yasmine |
2022 | Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and flood (PMF) risk charts in Hodna basin, Algeria | Zeroual, Sara; Şen, Zekai; Boutaghane, Hamouda |
2022 | Vulnerability of a Tunisian Coastal Aquifer to Seawater Intrusion: Insights from the GALDIT Model | Zghibi, Adel; Meringue, Amira; Mansaray, Abubakarr |
2022 | Identification of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing, GIS, machine learning and electrical resistivity tomography techniques in Guelma basin, northeastern Algeria | Braham, Massinissa; Boufekane, Abdelmadjid; Bourenane, Hamid |
2022 | Long-term regional changes in inter-annual precipitation variability in the Campania Region, Southern Italy | Longobardi, Antonia; Boulangerie, Ouafik |
2022 | Hybrid phase-field modeling of multi-level concrete gravity dam notched cracks | Mazighi, Hichem; Mihoubi, Mustapha Kamel; Sanchez, David Santillan |
2022 | Study of Structural Stability of a Concrete Gravity Dam Using a Reliability Approach | Kerkar, Mohamed Essaddik; Mihoubi, Mustapha Kamel |
2022 | Changes in flood hazards in North Africa and implications for flood frequency analysis | Tramblay, Yves; Benaabidate, Lahcen; Boulmaiz, Tayeb |
2022 | The regionalizing of the entropy parameter over the north Algerian watersheds: a discharge measurement approach for ungauged river sites | Ammari, Abdelhadi; Bahmanpouri, Farhad; Khelfi, Mohamed El Amine |
2022 | Spatio-temporal analysis of shoreline changes and erosion risk assessment along Jerba island (Tunisia) based on remote-sensing data and geospatial tools | Boussetta, Amina; Niculescu, Simona; Bengoufa, Soumia |
2022 | Hydrological Drought Response to Meteorological Drought Propagation and Basin Characteristics (Case Study: Northwest of Algeria) | Rahmouni, A.; Meddi, M.; Hamoudi, Saaed A. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 153