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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 153
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Evaluation de deux méthodes de correction de biais des sorties de modèles climatiques régionaux Cordex- Africa pour la prévision des pluies : cas du bassin côtier oranaisTaïbi, Sabrina; Zeroual, Ayoub; Melhani, Naziha
2021Characterization of the Water Holding Capacity of the Soils in the Mitidja Plain (Algeria) as a Basis for the Development of the Irrigation Water UseBOUZIANE, OMAR; MEDDI, MOHAMED; CARDENA, JUAN RECA
2021Impacts of Agricultural Areas on Spatio-Temporal Variability of Daily Minimum Extreme Flows during the Transitional Seasons (Spring and Fall) in Southern QuebecAssani, Ali Arkamose; Zeroual, Ayoub; Roy, Alexandre
2021Effects of structure design on electrostatic pull-in voltage of perforated nanoswitch with intermolecular surface forcesKerid, Rachid; Bounnah, Younes
2022Analysis of the hydrological behavior of watersheds in the context of climate change (Northwestern Algeria)Belarbi, Halima; Touaibia, Bénina; Boumechra, Nadir
2022A Sedimentary Investigation into the Origin and Composition of a Dam ReservoirHallouz, Faiza; Meddi, Mohamed
2022Evalution of physico-chemical quality of groundwater of Khemis Miliana Plain (North West Algeria)Sadeuk Ben Abbas, Abdelkader; Meddi, Mohamed; Boucefiane, Abdelkader
2022Curve Flow-duration-Frequency. The flood modelling regime of the Wadi Mazafran catchment in the north of AlgeriaKourat, Sofiane; Touaïbia, Bénina; Yahiaoui, Abdelhalim
2022Auto-calibration of HEC-HMS Model for Historic Flood Event under Rating Curve Uncertainty. Case Study: Allala Watershed, AlgeriaKastali, Abdennour; Zeroual, Ayoub; Zeroual, Sara
2022Spatiotemporal characterization of the annual rainfall variability in the Isser Watershed (Algeria)Benali Khodja, Malia; Metouchi, Abdenacer; Djoudar Hallal, Dahbia
2022Damage of a concrete gravity dam under the effect of the hydrodynamic loadsMazighi, H.; Mihoubi, M.K.
2022What About the Erosion in the Coastal Algiers Watershed (Algeria)?Ammari, Abdelhadi; Remini, Boualem
2022Effect of autocorrelation on temporal trends in airtemperature in Northern Algeria and links with teleconnections patternsTaïbi, Sabrina; Zeroual, Ayoub; Meddi, Mohamed
2022Assessment of Water Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Wadi Cheliff Basin (Algeria)Toumi, Samir; Meddi, Mohamed; Mahé, Gil
2022Diachronic Study of Land Cover of the Medjerda Watershed and Estimation of RUSLE-C Factor Using NDVI-Based Equation, Remote Sensing, and GISMenasria, Amine; Meddi, Mohamed; Habaieb, Hamadi
2022Simulating streamCow in the CheliA basin of west northern Algeria using the SWAT modelZaibak, Issam; Meddi, Mohamed
2022Mapping of Erosion Using USLE, GIS and Remote Sensing in Wadi El Hachem Watershed (Northern Algeria): Case StudySaoud, Mohammed; Meddi, Mohamed
2022GIS and remote sensing integration for sediment performance assessment based on a RUSLE and sediment delivery ratio model in northwest AlgeriaOuadja, Abid; Benfetta, Hassen; Porto, Paolo
2022Multivariate analysis to assess the quality of irrigation water in a semi-arid region of north west of Algeria: case of Ghrib reservoirHallouz, Faiza; Meddi, Mohamed; Rahmani, Salaheddine Ali
2022Computer-assisted program for water Calco-Carbonic equilibrium computationHachemi, Abdelkader; Zeroual, Ayoub
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 153