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Title: Renforcement de l'adduction d'A.E.P de la ville de Taher a partir du barrage d'Elagrem (w. Jijel)
Renforcement de l'adduction d'A.E.P de la ville de Taher a partir du barrage d'Elagrem (w. Jijel)
Authors: Mechekef, Abdelghani
Keywords: Eau potable. Adduction. Ville Taher. Barrage Elagrem. Jijel. Algérie.
Eau potable. Adduction. Ville Taher. Barrage Elagrem. Jijel. Algérie.
Drinking water. Adduction. City Taher. Elagrem Dam. Jijel. Algeria.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The present study has the aim of studying the network of reinforcement of the city of Taher by means of the discharge pipes starting from the dam Elagrem and of drillings of Nile wadi and Djendjen wadi. After having presented our zone of study and having estimated its requirements out of water, we study the water tanks thus the conduits of adduction from the technicoeconomic point of view. Water is raised by pumping stations, we then study new the projected stations, We will establish thereafter the averages of protection of control against the erosion and the phenomenon of the water hammer. In end we approach the method of implementation of the project.
The present study has the aim of studying the network of reinforcement of the city of Taher by means of the discharge pipes starting from the dam Elagrem and of drillings of Nile wadi and Djendjen wadi. After having presented our zone of study and having estimated its requirements out of water, we study the water tanks thus the conduits of adduction from the technicoeconomic point of view. Water is raised by pumping stations, we then study new the projected stations, We will establish thereafter the averages of protection of control against the erosion and the phenomenon of the water hammer. In end we approach the method of implementation of the project.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/839
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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