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Title: Etude du transfert des eaux de la station de pompage Hammam Melouane vers la nouvelle ville de Bouinan
Authors: Benhafed, Youcef
Keywords: Eau potable. Etude. Transfert. Station de pompage. Hammam Melouane. Blida. Algérie
Eau potable. Etude. Transfert. Station de pompage. Hammam Melouane. Blida. Algérie
Drinking water. Study. Tansfer. Pumping station. Hammam Melouane. Blida. Algeria.
Drinking water. Study. Tansfer. Pumping station. Hammam Melouane. Blida. Algeria.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The Work we done in the framework of the memorandum of the end of the study is designed to cover the future needs of the consumer in the new city Boinan , through thetransfer of potable water from the pumping station in hamam Miloan, and for this weexamined all the structures necessary for the transfer of water in the best of circumstances.
The Work we done in the framework of the memorandum of the end of the study is designed to cover the future needs of the consumer in the new city Boinan , through thetransfer of potable water from the pumping station in hamam Miloan, and for this weexamined all the structures necessary for the transfer of water in the best of circumstances.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/821
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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