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Title: Adduction en eau potable des localités Nord Est de la wilaya de Boumerdes à partir du système de dessalement de l'eau de mer
Adduction en eau potable des localités Nord Est de la wilaya de Boumerdes à partir du système de dessalement de l'eau de mer
Authors: Keddache, Massinissa
Keddache, Massinissa
Keywords: Eau potable. Adduction. Dessalement Eau de Mer. Boumerdes ( Nord Est). Algérie.
Eau potable. Adduction. Dessalement Eau de Mer. Boumerdes ( Nord Est). Algérie.
Drinking water. Adduction (Study). Cap Djinet. Boumerdes. Algeria
Drinking water. Adduction (Study). Cap Djinet. Boumerdes. Algeria
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: The aim of our study is to connect the station of desalination of Cap Djinet to the networks of drinking water of the coastal localities. The development of the adjusting variant appears in the first place to the analysis of the situation present population and infrastructures of supply existing drinking water and realization. For the calculation of the demand in water on the horizon 2030, we have chosen the best variant in terms of adequate technical and economic. After the choice of the variant, it is primordial to assure the protection of the pipes against the phenomena transient « Water hammer » by using air balloons, and by outside coating against the corrosion
The aim of our study is to connect the station of desalination of Cap Djinet to the networks of drinking water of the coastal localities. The development of the adjusting variant appears in the first place to the analysis of the situation present population and infrastructures of supply existing drinking water and realization. For the calculation of the demand in water on the horizon 2030, we have chosen the best variant in terms of adequate technical and economic. After the choice of the variant, it is primordial to assure the protection of the pipes against the phenomena transient « Water hammer » by using air balloons, and by outside coating against the corrosion
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/804
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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