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dc.contributor.authorAllaiouia, Hakim-
dc.description.abstractIn our dissertation, after the presentation of the zone (Chalghoum El Aid and Tadjenanet, W.mila ) we would study examination its water needs and the conditions of making pipes for transmitting drinking water economically and technically. Among these pipes, we have pipes that direct water thanks to pumping stations. Therefore, we would study these stations in order to build pumps and determine the point of its operation from another part. The aim of this study is to provide a good operation for these stations and exploit it in a better way.en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. Adduction (étude). Tadjenanet. Chalghoum El Aid. Beni Haroun (barrage). Mila. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectDrinking water. Adduction (Study). Tadjenanet. Chalghoum El Aid. Beni Haroun Dam. Mila. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleEtude de l'adduction de Tadjenanet et de Chalghoum el Aid a partir du barrage de Beni Harounen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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