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Title: Etude d'adduction d'eau potable de la ville de Sidi Khaled a partir du champ de captage de nifidha (w. Biskra)
Authors: Atoussi, Abdesselam
Keywords: Eau potable. Adduction ( Etude). Captage. Nifidha. Sidi Khaled (ville). Biskra. Algérie.
Water Supply. Adduction. Nifidha (commune). Sidi Khaled (City). Biskra. Algeria.
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: This study outlines ways to improve potable water supply for the city of sidi-khalid in willaya of Biskra,The project is based in NIFIDHA and involves accessing underground water by means of boreholes ,The retrieved water is to be stored in multiple reservoirs and is in turn pumped uphill to a main reservoir for distribution to the suburbs with the help of gravity, It also involves determining pipeline and reservoir dimensions as well as addressing the phenomen of water hammer.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/716
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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