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Title: Réhabilitation et renforcement du système de production d'eau potable de Ain Skhona (w. Constantine) )
Authors: Aouali, Lamine
Keywords: Eau potable. Réhabilitation. Renforcement. Ain Skhona. Constantine. Algérie.
Drinking water. Rehabilitation. Ain Skhona. Constantine. Algeria
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The system of producing drinking water of “Ain Skhouna” common of Didouche Mourad wilaya of Constantine does not manage any more to face the keen water demand which does not cease increasing with the fast development of the population and the way of life because of the degradation of this system of production and the insufficiency of the water resources currently exploited. The aim of our project is to find solutions to these two major problems through a diagnostic study of the current state in order to identify the anomalies and the dysfunctions of this system of production of drinking water and propose the necessary solutions. Then we move on to a functional rehabilitation of drillings and concerning the pumping station the rehabilitation is made in functional side as well as structural.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/689
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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