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dc.contributor.authorAmrani, Chaima-
dc.description.sponsorshipWe elaborate this thesis, entitled drinking water supply network: diagnostic of the town of SIDI MAKHELOUF, in order to determine the anomalies and malfunctions of the network. To better visualize the hydraulic performance we have used the software EPANET. This assessment enabled us to modify and offer suggestions that may satisfy both quantitatively and qualitatively the town’s needs in water supply with sufficient water volume and acceptable pressure for the short, middle, or long terms.en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. Diagnostic. Réhabilitation. Sidi Mekhlouf. Laghouat. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectDrinking water. diagnostic. Rehabilitation. Sidi Mekhlouf. Laghouat. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleDiagnostic et réhabilitation du réseau d'alimentation en eau potable de la ville de Sidi Mekhlouf (w. Laghouat)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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