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dc.contributor.authorRouabah, Wafa-
dc.description.abstractThe resulting risk of flooding in the world generally and in Algeria particularly, leads to develop and protect flood-prone areas, but the layout is done in a way that does not respect the harmony with the natural environment of rivers and surrounding areas. The aim of our study focuses on the environmental criteria that are identified in the various types of development to protect against flooding on the one hand and respect of the natural look on the other hand .Our study also includes an example of the development of channel CHEBBA, which is located in the city of ELMHIR (BORDJ BOU ARIRIDJ )to protect the area against floods and create a beautiful landscape for the city.en_US
dc.subjectEnvironnement naturel. Inondations (protection). Oued Chebba. Elmhir. Bordj Bou Arreridj. Algérieen_US
dc.subjectNatural environment. Floods (protection). Oued Chebba. Elmhir. Bordj Bou Arréridj. Algeriaen_US
dc.titleLes critères environnementaux des aménagements hydraulique cas d'étude Oued Chebba ville d'Elmhir (w. Bordj Bou Arreridj)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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