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dc.contributor.authorAzari, Seif El-Islam-
dc.description.abstractIn the context of the management of sanitation networks in terms of safety and good functioning, the implementation of retention basins is one of the solutions used to protect the agglomeration and networks against the risks of flooding in the first place as well as the reduction of pollution of natural watercourses. This study aims at carrying out the state of the art concerning these techniques, introducing these basins, explaining their design and sizing methods, giving some examples on global and local scale, and finally making an application on a real case.en_US
dc.subjectAssainissement. Bassin de rétention. Eaux pluviales. Inondation.en_US
dc.subjectSanitation. Retention pond. Rainwater. Flood.en_US
dc.titleBassin de rétention : Emplacement, conception et dimensionnement.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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