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Title: Mise en place d'un outil de gestion des réseaux d'assainissement de la zone urbaine les plateaux commune Arzew (w. Oran) à l'aide du Système d'Information Géographique
Authors: Chattout, Kawther
Keywords: Assainissement. Système d'information géographique (SIG). ArcGis . Arzew. Oran. Algérie.
Management, GIS, sewerage network, the Plateau urban area, ArcGis. Arzew. Oran. Algeria.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: This work aims to set up a management tool for the sanitation network in the Plateau urban area (C. Arzew, W. Oran), developed in the form of a geographic information system type database. The use of ArcGis software allowed us to create a sewer network database and have the network in detail with all its constituent elements. This will make it possible to better identify the failures and anomalies encountered in the management of the sanitation system for better decision-making in the management of this system.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/412
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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