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dc.contributor.authorBara, Idris-
dc.description.abstractThe problem of flooding in pre-urban has always preoccupied the local authorities and the populations subject to this permanent threat during the rainy season. To contribute to the resolution of this problem we opted by the procedure of regulation of the flows that is to say the continuous and diffused retention leading to a reduction of the peak flows. Thus, the rainfall method was used to estimate the volumes required for retention by the retention structure. This method allowed us to evaluate the specific storage height from a simple graphical construction.en_US
dc.subjectAssainissement. Pluie. Débit. Inondation. Rétention. Eaux pluviales.en_US
dc.subjectSanitation. Rain. Debit. Flood. Retention. Rainy waters.en_US
dc.titleRecherche bibliographique sur la conception des bassins de retenue d'eaux pluviales.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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