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dc.contributor.authorKirat, Mallak-
dc.description.abstractAs part of the protection of the environment and water resources, lagoon is one of the wastewater treatment techniques used all over the world (example : 75 lagooning stations in Algeria (ONA, 2019)). However, various studies (surveys by Cemagref, numerous observations by Satese, etc.) have shown that the implementation of lagooning often deviates from the basic rules which are nevertheless essential to be observed (Inter-Agency study on lagooning of 1979), design flaws, lack of prior geotechnical studies, confusion between lagooning and settling ponds, the location of lagoons near built-up areas leads to a reduction in lagoon performance. That why, this bibliographical research on lagoons was carried out. In this work, first of all we have made a bibliographical synthesis (the state of the art) of this technique. Then, introduce these processes, their concept, operation, the different types of lagoon, and a comparison between the lagooning process and the settling and thickening pond process. Lastly, the design and sizing of natural lagoon and aerated lagoon.en_US
dc.subjectEaux usées. Conception. Station d'épuration. Lagunage.en_US
dc.subject: wastewater, treatment plant, lagoon, design.en_US
dc.titleSynthèse bibliographique sur la conception des bassins de lagunage.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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