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dc.contributor.authorDahmani, Asma-
dc.description.abstractExpertise of the processes related to geographic systems and water resource functions has led toward the development of hydrological models to assess the river flow characteristics and ensure proper design of the sewage systems. Combined with geographic information systems (GIS) through various coupling methods, these models become more accurate, manageable and efficient. We have tried to solve this problem through the experience of coupling the Covadis hydraulic calculation model with ArcGis software (GIS software for surface water prediction modeling) and designing the systems with the help of GIS. By unifying the databases, GIS and model in a single, independent ergonomic application, this approach constitutes a powerful tool for analysis and technical simulation and management support. It allows exploring and experimenting with complex and diverse information, in order to explain more quickly the correlation of modeling parameters. It also represents a device that can be used by managers and becomes a privileged support for the decision making process. This experience leads us to reflect on the details of this method, the requirements of its implementation and the paradigm shift it induces in applied research methods.en_US
dc.subjectRéseau d'évacuation. Systèmes d'information géographique. SIG. Calcul hydraulique.en_US
dc.subjectSewage systems. Geographic Information Systems. GIS. Hydraulic calculation model.en_US
dc.titleOptimisation des schémas d'évacuation en assainissement urbain (étude de cas)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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