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dc.contributor.authorMahmoud, Mahmoud-
dc.description.abstractCartography is a vast field which allows us to facilitate the management of several aspects, among which is the cartography of flood risk in order to understand and make a better knowledge of the risk and to take the necessary measures to face this risk. The locality of Oued Merzoug (southern part, C. Tipaza, W. Tipaza) and its neighbouring urban area suffer from recurrent floods and overflows. Our work consists in elaborating the various maps of vulnerability and hazard to the risk of flooding for the locality of oued Merzoug and its neighbouring localities also.en_US
dc.subjectInondations. Risque. Cartographie Cartes. Vulnérabilité. Aléa. Oued Mezroug. Tipaza. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectFlood risk. Cartography. Maps of vulnerability and hazard. Oued Mezroug. Tipaza. Algérie.en_US
dc.titleCartographie du risque d'inondation d'Oued Merzoug (partie Sud) (commune Tipaza, wilaya. Tipaza) sur la zone urbaine avoisinante.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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