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dc.contributor.authorBouabdeli, Imad Eddine-
dc.description.abstractIn the hydraulic installations, the changes of the steady flow of fluid in a pipe often lead to sudden variations in pressure and give what is called the transient flows in closed conduit. This study presents a numerical modeling of the phenomenon of transient flows in pipes support (water hammer ), the finite difference method (F.D.M)or the characteristics method (C.M), is used to solve the equations of « Saint-Venant» which consist of a pair of equations: the equation of conservation of mass (continuity ) and the equation of conservation of momentum (dynamic ), at the end of this theoretical study, we used the « AFT Impulse » program for the simulation of transient phenomena.en_US
dc.subjectEcoulement transitoire. Coup de bélier. Simulation numérique. Equation continuité. Equation dynamique.en_US
dc.subjectTransient flow. Water Hammer. Numerical simulation. Continuity equation. Dynamic Equationen_US
dc.titleModélisation numérique des écoulements transitoires dans les conduites en charge.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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