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dc.contributor.authorAtoussi, Abdesselam-
dc.description.abstractThe drilled boreholes used in underground exploiting water, are exposed for natural and non-natural agents that reduces its yield thus we have to maintain and rehabilitate it to avoid getting closed which will increase the costs due to the need to create new ones. This work aims to show the methodology and the techniques of maintenance and rehabilitation of drilled boreholes and the right method to deal with it. We presented an example of rehabilitation and maintenance of MERKSANE drilled borehole in the state of ILLIZI.en_US
dc.subjectForages. Eau souterraine. Entretien. Réhabilitation. Merksane. Ilizi. Algérieen_US
dc.subjectDrilled borehole. Underground Water. Maintenance. Rehabilitation. Ilizi. Algeria.en_US
dc.titlecontribution a l'étude de la réhabilitation des forages d'eau (cas du forage de Merksane).en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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