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dc.contributor.authorArar, Salah-
dc.description.abstractDrinking water supply networks become more and more complicated and that due to urban development and improving of life's quality. In this context, Algeria is faced to numerous problems including the pressure control in these networks. Commissioning continuously these networks and the increasing of the pressure during the night causes considerable water leaks, thus to ensure an adequate distribution to the consumers it will be necessary to find a way to control the pressures within the networks of drinking water supply. This study presents various methods of pressure control in the drinking water supply network and study a real existing case.en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. Etude. Comparative. Contrôle de pression. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectDrinking Water. Study. Comparative. Pressure control. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleEtude comparative sur les systèmes de contrôle de pression dans les réseaux d'alimentation en eau potableen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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