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dc.contributor.authorDjenaoui, Nadjla-
dc.description.abstractThe area of Beni Bahdel is situated in the west of Tlemcen .This area suffers from the problem of erosion which has a bad influence on the dam of Beni Bahdel that is located in this region. The goal of this dissertation is to study the erosion phenomenon in this area using geographic information systems basing on a set of maps and data from this locality. It also aims constructing of a map showing the sensitivity to erosion and subsequently the study of the influence of this phenomenon on the Beni Bahdel dam.en_US
dc.subjectErosion. Cartographie. Sensibilité. Bassin versant. Beni Bahdel. Tlemcen. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectErosion. Cartography. Sensitivity. Watershed. Beni Bahdel. Tlemcen. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleApproche cartographique de sensibilité à l’érosion hydrique du bassin versant du barrage de Béni Bahdel.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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