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dc.contributor.authorKhadri, Abdellah-
dc.description.abstractWater scarcity has been a concern of people around the world for decades. The solution that has been adopted to preserve water resources is the reuse of unconventional water. And to face this problem, this study will allow the exploitation of liquid sludge that overcomes 75% of water, its sludge contains a large quantity of suspended solids resulting from coagulationflocculation, by proposing a treatment technique at the end of water extraction from its sludge. We have found that we can recover up to 74đť‘š3 of water from equine sludge, this is an important thing after the drought that the world is witnessing lately, especially Algeria.en_US
dc.subjectEaux non conventionnelles. Pénurie d’eau. boues. matières en suspensions. Sidi mhamed Ben taiba. Ain deflaen_US
dc.subjectUnconventional water. Water shortage. sludge. suspended matter. Sidi mhamed Ben taiba. Ain deflaen_US
dc.titleValorisation des boues liquide issues de la coagulation-floculation Cas de la station Sidi Mhamed Ben Taiba (w. Ain Defla)en_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
Appears in Collections:RĂ©utilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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