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dc.contributor.authorZaitri, Benaissa-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of our project is to size the industrial wastewater treatment plant of the Candia Dairy in the industrial zone-Sétif to save the environment and public health . This study focuses on two main aspects.The first consists in studying the properties of these industrial waste waters. The results obtained showed that the water was highly polluted and easily biodegradable.The second part concerns the dimensions of the treatment plant based on the analysis of industrial wastewater.en_US
dc.subjectstation d'epuration. Eaux usées. laiterie de Candia. Sétifen_US
dc.subjectwater treatment plant. Wastewater. Candia dairy. Setifen_US
dc.titleConception d'une station d'épuration des eaux usées de la laiterie de Candia (w. Sétif)en_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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