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dc.contributor.authorDerdjini, Hamza-
dc.description.abstractThe plain of Mitidja is located in the north Algerian center, which is one of the main suppliers of food products of the capital and surrounding areas. As a result, The phenomenon of the urban task in favor of agricultural land is accentuated. The objective of our study is to detect the changes of the land’s use from multidate satellite data in addition to the general assessment of the impact of these changes on agricultural and urban activity. We used the method of diachronic comparison of classifications. Also we have chosen the supervised classification. These results made it possible to identify the temporal and spatial change of the land occupation of the plain for a period of thirteen years (2003 to 2016).en_US
dc.subjectTélédétection. Occupation du sol. ENVI. Traitement d’image. Classification. Mitidja. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectRemote sensing. Land use. ENVI, Image processing. Classification. Cartography. Mitidja. Allgeriaen_US
dc.titleCartographie des changements de l'occupation du sol dans la plaine de la Mitidja à partir des images LANDSAT.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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