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dc.contributor.authorBoughazi, Safaâ-
dc.description.abstractThe water demand of the two western metropolises of Algeria namely Oran and Mostaganem continues to increase and reached 460.40 Hm /year in 2015. Their supply of drinking water required the realization of the Mega project MAO, mobilizing 155 Million m 3 / year. Relevant to this, the objective of this present work is the supply of the city of Oran as well as a part belonging to Mostaganem by integrating the SDEM Macta into the MAO adduction pipeline as a new source of production, and this with the application of a numerical simulation the MAO-MACTA hydraulic system and its use by the TOPKAPI supervision model. The application of this tool required the supply of drinking water to agglomerations located in the MAO corridor, taking into account all the existing diversions in the new system. The results obtained showed that all the cities will be fully supplied in the case of increased resources from the integration of SDEM Macta. 3en_US
dc.subjectEau. Gestion de La ressource. MAO-MACTA. Oran. Mostaganem . Algéire.en_US
dc.subjectWater. resource management. MAO-MACTA. Oran. Mostaganem. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleGestion de La ressource en eau du système hydraulique Mao-Macta.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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