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dc.contributor.authorMecheri, Fakhreddine-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this present work is to make the quantification of the quantity of sediments on the level of the high basin Cheliff, by calling upon the model of superposition of the charts "Arcswat" on ArcMapTM. This basin is exposed to a serious problem of impoverishment of the soil, which causes the silting of the majority of the stoppings distributed on her unit. Indeed, four classes of vulnerability to the erosion were distinguished (weak, average, strong and very strong) where the strongly vulnerable zones cover major the part of the basin. The produced chart provides an excellent tool of assistance to the decision-making for the managers, in order to better target their strategies of preventive interventions.en_US
dc.subjectBarrage. Nappe. Modélisation environnementale. Sédimentation. Erosion. Bassin Haut Cheliff. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectDam. Rechrge water table. Environmental modeling. Sedimentation. Erosion. Upper Cheliff bassin. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleGestion du bassin versant du Haut Cheliff a l'aide de (SWAT), cas quantification de la quantité de sédimentsen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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