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dc.contributor.authorBoutourea, Souhaib-
dc.description.abstractThe sizing of the watter supply pipline is established by looking for the economical diameter whimakes it possible to : Reduce the investment costs associated with the pipe diameter. Also reduce the operating costs related to the energy of the pumping station. So, from an economic point of view, the discharge line and the pumping station are linked, in othwords : The largest is the diameter of the pipe, had loss will be low, hence the energy expended will be less, we will economize on operating costs. Moreover, the smallest the diameter of the pipe is, the greater the head loss is, but we economize on the investment costs, because the rate of the supply and installation will bless. Accordingly, this work aims to synthesize the methods and models used and to trace an efficient methodology for determining the economic diameters of discharge pipes. Key words:en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. Diamètre économique. Perte de charge. Hauteur manométrique.en_US
dc.subjectDrinkin water. Economic diameter. head loss. Manometric height.en_US
dc.titleSynthèse de l'évolution des méthodes et modèles d'estimation du diamètre économique des conduites de refoulement.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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