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dc.contributor.authorBourezig, , Mokhtaria Dounya-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of empirical methods and geographic information systems (GIS) in estimating runoff coefficients, following a comprehensive process of hydrological data collection and analysis. The runoff coefficient is first estimated using empirical methods, then more precise geospatial modelling is applied via the SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number) model using GIS tools. The case study in the city of Merine aims to analyze the effectiveness and limitations of each approach in the evaluation of runoff coefficients.en_US
dc.subjectRunoff coefficient, Empirical approaches, Geographic information systems, SCS-CN, Merine.en_US
dc.titleAnalyse comparative de coefficient de ruissellement par approche empirique et par SIGen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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