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dc.contributor.authorHalili, Rachid-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is to establish a wastewater treatment plant for the town Ain El Hammam (Tizi-Ouzou) in order to protect the natural environment and the dam of the Taksebt from any pollution. The study is divided into two phases: The first phase permit to treat the used water of 60 536 inhabitants till 2024. The second aim of enlarging the station to raise its capacity to 56 837 till 2039en_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Conception, Ain el Hammam, Tizi Ouzouen_US
dc.titleConception de la station d'épuration de la region de Ain el Hammam (w. Tizi Ouzou)en_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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