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Title: Etude de conception des reseaux d'assainissement des centres ruraux de boughroum, dar El Beidha et Oum Ammour dans la commune de Boutaleb (w. Setif)
Authors: Halitim, Sid Ali
Keywords: Assainissement, Conception(Etude), Centres ruraux, Boughroum, Dar El Beidha, Oum Ammour, Boutaleb (commune), Setif
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The main objective of our study is design new sewer system of three urban centers in the municipality of Boutaleb (Wilaya de Setif) , in the sense that we evaluated the different discharges of wastewater and rainfall and traced the drainage system, taking into account the data of the city (topography, urbanization level, ...) ensure disposal of such waters outside the center in good conditions, in accordance with standards and taking into account the basic requirements for environmental protection in general and especially for a healthy lifestyle without diseases.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2158
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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