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dc.contributor.authorHamitouche, Rabah-
dc.description.abstractSaw the danger presented by the discharges from the town of Sidi Ali Lebhar (town of Bejaïa), which are emitted directly on the sea. And in the interests of the protection of the coastline and the bay of Bejaia, a purification plant for this region is necessary. In this work, we made a design of a wastewater treatment plant to activate sludge. The study is divided into two phases:  The first phase will address the pollution of 72 466 equivalent inhabitants by 2025.  The second phase (extension) corresponds to an increase of the initial capacity of the plant to a capacity of 95 461 equivalent inhabitants in 2040. In this work, we studies this two phases for to get our object who is bases in clearance to azote by middle basin anoxia.en_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Conception, Sidi Ali Lebhar (ville), Bejaiaen_US
dc.titleConception de la station d'epuration de la ville de Sidi Ali Lebhar (w. Bejaia)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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