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dc.contributor.authorGuechari, Fodil-
dc.description.abstractOur dissertation turns around establishing a water purification station for used water in the town Souk-El-Tenin (BEJAIA).This study aims at protecting the natural environment as well as the public health through. The study is divided into two phases: 1-The first phase permits to treat the used water of 38041 inhabitants till 2025. 2-The second aims of enlarging the station to raise its capacity to49667 till 2040.en_US
dc.subjectEpuration (Etude), Eaux usées, Souk-El-Tenin (ville), Bejaiaen_US
dc.titleEtude de la station d'épuration des eaux usées de la ville de Souk-El-Tenin (w. Bejaia)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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