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dc.contributor.authorBahamida, Abdallah-
dc.description.abstractOur present work consists in designing a purification station of wastewater with aerated lagoons for the city of Guerrara (Wilaya of Ghardaïa) which treats the rejects of more than 64 000 persons. In the process of wastewater treatment lagoons, the degradation of pollution is due to a succession and an association of physicochemical and biological operation.To improve the purification performances, reduce the implantation area and working in a reasonable detention time we have chosen the technique of aerated lagoons. The construction of this new station allows, on one hand, the preservation of the environment and reusing the clean water in irrigation, on the other hand.en_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Conception, Lagunage, Guerrara (ville) , Ghardaiaen_US
dc.titleConception de la station d'épuration par lagunage de la ville Guerrara (w. Ghardaia)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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