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dc.contributor.authorHarizi, Fatima zohra-
dc.description.abstractThis memory comes down on the problems encountered during implementation of the earthen dam at Tamellahet (W. Tissemsilt), it aims to protect the city against floods and Lardjem irrigation perimeters Lardjem and Tamellahet. My job is particularly the phenomenon of slippage and erosion on the left bank for that we reviewed several studies and solutions as (the piles. Geotextiles. Retaining walls) on which we have accepted that the walls of Retaining the right solution is to protect the dam.en_US
dc.subjectProtection ; Barrage ; Tamellaheten_US
dc.titleContribution à la protection du barrage de Tamellahet contre les crues des phénomènes de glissement et d'érosion (w. Tissemsilt)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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