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Title: Etude De Faisabilité dun petit barrage sur oued Oglet-Er-R'baib (w.Tebessa)
Authors: Zerrouki, Oualid
Keywords: Faisabilité ; Petit barrage ; Oued Oglet-Er-R'baib ; Tebessa
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: 5-0015-10;
Abstract: The agricole production can be intensified with creation of small dams witch represents big reserves of water in rural areas. That's why; the project of rural employment has programmed five small dams in TEBESSA, so, one of these dams was the subject of our thesis, we have done a detailed study of the geological and hydrological aspects of the dam witch is situated on Oued Oglet erbaib, after that we have designed our dam and we follow with a job management
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2138
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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