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dc.contributor.authorIabbadene, Yacine-
dc.description.abstractOur study focuses on the verification of the performance criteria of the STEP of Reghaia which is operated by the SEAAL. We intend to monitor the performance of each processing step, and verify the operating parameters of each item in the last two years. As such, we have found that rates of pollutant loads recorded during the period of the study were higher than the rated capacity of the STEP which caused malfunctions interdependent in terms of recovery of sands, nitrogen removal, sludge quality… etc. On the other hand, resizing the STEP allows to conclude that the dimensions of some frameworks are unsuitable for incoming extensions which requires their loads. Other solutions have been proposed to improve the biological treatment process while reducing energy costs and carbon footprint. In conclusion, it may take several years to resolve the issues raised in this paper, which will probably add more in the meantimen_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Performances (Etude), Reghaia, Algeren_US
dc.titleEtude des performances épuratoires de la station d'épuration de Reghaia (w. Alger)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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