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dc.contributor.authorTouati, Abdelouaheb-
dc.description.abstractThe determination of the maximum discharges of floods hydrographs poses a problem in the study of protection against the floods, in this fact the Muskingum method is applied on two oueds (Sebaou and Mazafran) in the Algerian north to forecast the downstream hydrographs knowing the upstream ones, also the artificial neural networks method was applied on Sebaou oued to predict the maximum downstream discharges according to the characteristics of upstream hydrographs. The results show the interest and the validity of these two approachesen_US
dc.subjectHydro grammes ; Crues ; Inondations ; Oueds du nord Algérienen_US
dc.titleIntérêt de la modélisation des hydro grammes de crues dans la protection contre les inondations : cas de quelques oueds du nord algérienen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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