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dc.contributor.authorMegueni, kada-
dc.description.abstractDams are the big reserves of water wich are used in divers fields. The purpose of this work is to study if we can realize a dam on Oued of djaidia on point view geology hydrology and economic. Like for every similar work we study geology hydrology and study variants in order to repair the choice of the dam to conceive. Next we understand a dam and understand state workmanship We terminate by organization of road works and protection and safety of workingen_US
dc.subjectPetit barrage ; oued Djaidia ; Gartoufaen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement et conception d'un petit barrage sur L'oued Djaidia, commune de Gartoufa (w.Tiaret )en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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