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dc.contributor.authorBaali, Samir-
dc.description.abstractIn the present report we made a complete technical study on oued of Tleta (Wilaya of Blida) for the establishment of small dam, intended for the irrigation of a surface of 32 ha. After a geological investigation specifies and supplement followed by a through hydrological study we dimensioned a small dam 16 m heigh and a capacity of 0,147 million m3 then one established the dam and one checked his stability. For the realization we prepared an explanatory note containing the various of calculationen_US
dc.subjectFaisabilité ; Retenue collinaire ; MAIF ; oued Tleta ; oued Djeren_US
dc.titleEtude de faisabilité de la retenue collinaire MAIF sur oued Tleta commune oued Djer (w. Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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