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Title: Etude de l'avant projet détaillé des ouvrages annexes (dérivation provisoire, vidange de fond, et la prise d'eau) du barrage Bounachi sur oued Rabta ( w. Tizi ouzou )
Authors: Madi, Houssin
Keywords: Ouvrages annexes ; Barrage ; Bounachi ; Oued Rabta
Issue Date: 2009
Series/Report no.: 5-0013-09;
Abstract: In the setting of the national strategy concerning conservation of water, in order to mobilize an important quality of water that is lost (dismissal in sea). The ANBT saw itself achieving dams. However the survey, the choice and the dimensionality of the storage works deserve to be deepened. Sow to survey we led in this thesis is a preparatory project detailed of the works annex of a stopping in the wilaya of TIZI OUZOU and mainly on the Rabta Wadi
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2120
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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