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Title: Diagnostic et expertise du réseau d'assainissement du centre de Ras Isly commune de Rasfa (w. Setif)
Authors: Bedjrou, Khaled
Keywords: Assainissement, Diagnostic, Expertise, Ras Isly (commune), Rasfa, Setif
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The agglomeration of Ras Isly in the wilaya of setif suffers of two major problems, the first is the degradation of the existing wastewater system, the second is the discharge directly into the environment without any treatment, which poses problems of order of health and safety and affects the natural environment in particular by the bad smells and the risk of waterborne diseases. The aim of our project is to find solutions to these problems through a diagnostic study, this study will indicate malfunctions, anomalies and constraints and their causes, in order to find solutions. Then, we move on to wastewater system dimensioning by taking account of the solutions suggested by the study of diagnosis. As regards the rejection we have made a techno-economic study presenting the possible solutions.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2116
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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