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dc.contributor.authorGhammit, Allal-
dc.description.abstractOur dissertation turns around establishing a water purification station for used water in the grouping of Azzaba (Skikda).This study aims at protecting the natural environment as well as the public health through. The study is divided into two phases: 1- The first phase permits to treat the used water of 83000 inhabitants till 2025. 2- The second aims of enlarging the station to raise its capacity to 103000 till 2040en_US
dc.subjectDimensionnement, Epuration, Boues activées, Azzaba, Skikdaen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement de la station d'épuration à boues activées du groupement Azzaba (w. Skikda)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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