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dc.contributor.authorDerouiche, Zaki-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of our work is to check the current state of the sewerage system of the city of “Eucalyptus” in both physical and especially hydraulic aspect and provide rehabilitation measures. This work focuses on two issues: The network failure to evacuate the release of this city with a high population density. Second, the presence of polluting discharges into the environment. The aim is to find sustainable solutions and comply with environmental guidelines to these two issues, based on the complete network diagnosis. This involves resizing main collectors and the projection of a sewage pumping system that transports wastewater to the treatment plant in Barakien_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Réhabilitation, Eucalyptus, Algeren_US
dc.titleRéhabilitation du réseau d'assainissement de la commune des Eucalyptus (w. Alger)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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