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dc.contributor.authorBahri, Dia el hak-
dc.description.abstractOur present work consist in achieving a water purification plant in the north of MEDEA in the way to preserve the natural circle and protect the public health. In this work, we will size the treatment plant wastewater by activated sludge to average charge. The first phase will permit to treat pollution caused by the population of 76550 habitants in2030 horizons. The second phase consists of extension workshops. These latter correspond to an increase of the initial capacity of the station to equivalent of 97133 habitants.en_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Dimensionnement, Zone Nord, Medeaen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement de la station d'épuration de la zone Nord de la ville de Medea (w. Medea)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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