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dc.contributor.authorLakrid, Hamza-
dc.description.abstractWe saw lately, the emergence of the phenomenon of increase of several diseases because of pollution. This problem is the result of the lack of networks purification and the use of septic tank for the discharges of waste water. The last infiltrates in the ground and cause the pollution of water. The village of Touzaline appurtenant in The town of Beni Amranr is one of the zones touched by the phenomenon of pollution which causes many damage on the level of the town. Our objective in this project is to reduce the septic tanks for the drainage waste water and to create a network of water purification which limits the spectrum of pollution.en_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Dimensionnement, Touzaline, Ait Moussa, Ouslime, Alentours, Beni Amrane, Boumerdesen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement du réseau d'assainissement des villages de Touzaline, Ait Moussa Ouslime et Alentours commune de Beni Amrane ( w. Boumerdes)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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