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dc.contributor.authorBoukhari, Meriem Roumaissa-
dc.description.abstractWater desalination in Algeria offers sustainable solution to water shortage by providing a reliable source of drinking water. Four this solution to be effective it is crucial to overcome the multidimensional challenge of designing a desalination plant. In this context, this study aims to dimension the desalination plant of Corso in the wilaya of Boumerdes that uses reverse osmosis technique. The main objective is to carry out a feasibility study in order to assess the technical viability while ensuring optimal operation.en_US
dc.subjectCorso; Sea water; Desalination; Reverse osmosisen_US
dc.titleRedimensionnement de la station de dessalement d'eau de mer Corso wilaya de Boumerdesen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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