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dc.contributor.authorSaad, Mohammed-
dc.description.abstractThis study designs an efficient drainage system for flood waters affecting Nile City from adjacent highlands. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to protect the city from flood risks,The research began with a detailed hydrological assessment of the watershed, estimating maximum flows for various return periods, particularly for a 100-year event. Engineering solutions, including diversion channels and retention basins, were examined and modeled using hydraulic simulation software,Solutions were evaluated based on technical and economic criteria, considering cost, feasibility, environmental impact, and local conditions. The result is an integrated drainage system that effectively protects Nile City from flood risks while balancing economic and environmental factors.en_US
dc.subjectFlood drainage, Oued Ennil City, Hydrological study, hydraulic modeling, Flood protection.en_US
dc.titleProtection de la ville de oued Ennil contre les innondations (w.Annaba)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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